Monday, April 12, 2021

Food as medicine

 There are many reasons why we should pay 

attention to what we should eat. The proccessed 

Low variety foods may be tasty and convenient 

but they are detrimental to ones health. We 

Should be giving our body nutrients to recover 

 from sickness.

Food is nature's medicine

Food has no side effects.On the contrary 

It helps to promote sleep

It manages stress

Diet is the foundation upon which you can build

But you have the remote control in your hands.

High fibre foods 

Vegetables, beans, grains, and fruits protect

against disease, decreases inflammation and

boosts your immune system..

A basic principle of using food as medicine

Eliminating sugar



Food additives

Red meat


leave you more energetic, less anxious

We must eat like the Hunter-Gatherer of pre-

historic times.-a plant based diet with very little

Sugar and processed foods (elimination is the


Use foods rather than Supplements to 

prevent chronic ailments

The lycopene in the tomatoes is a powerhouse of 

antioxidants. It works to keep your cholesterol

levels in control.

Stress interfeares with digestion, eat slowly

( Grandma said chew your food 32 times)

Still stands true. We just bolt our food, just 

stuffing our stomach.

Drugs to control type 2 diabetes, antacids, and 

antidepressants are dangerous,yet we are

gulping them without any thought.

Don't become a food fanatic

The purpose of bringing this blog is a very simple

guideline, to educate my viewers, for their

individual , family and community health with

whole foods

Some recipes

Bone broth

This is excellent for our bone health and is

an source of natural Calcium


Goat trotters/beef bones

Chicken pieces/feet

Pepper corns,bay leaf, black cardamom

Crushed ginger and garlic

Vinegar (mandatory) 3/4 cup

Cooking directions

Wash under running tap

In a large pan add 2_3 litres of water and

add all the ingredients. Cook over a slow flame 

3_4 hours till you find all the gelatin has been

letched out of the bones.

Note . Vinegar helps to draw out the calcium from the bones.

Fruit Smoothie.


Seasonal fruits

Organic honey

low fat milk


Put everything in the blender and pulse till it's 



Rainbow Salad


Seasonal fruits and vegetables

Salad dressing 


Cut and dice fruit and vegetables in a large bowl

Add whatever you want ( your choice)

Cottage cheese, boiled chicken etc

Drizzle salad dressing


These recipes have a diversity of vitamins and Minerals and antioxidants,and are a good source of dietary fibre.


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plum cake

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