Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Post covid recuperation at home.

Post-Covid Recuperation

Hi there
I thought of penning an article on post covid recuperation. You have been told that your patient will be discharged and after a period of observation for forty-eight hours, he can continue treatment at home.

Having been hospitalized for four to five weeks has been very emotionally and physically draining on him. He has gone through so much physical fatigue and weariness. 

Hospitalization was mandatory for managing his oxygen levels. He had to be on oxygen therapy. The incessant coughing leaves him drained out. It wasn't easy seeing people die around him with  corpses laying all around him

It's normal to lose one's mental balance. Anyway, the best portion of the story is that he survived it and is coming back home.

Post covid manifestations

After the patient has been discharged, he is still sick and suffers from extreme fatigue and exhaustion, he still has a hacking cough which can leave the body in writhing pain, his loss of taste and smell hasn't come back and has been through extreme weakness and needs a nutrient dense diet.
He needs love and comfort , the reassurance that his family is by his side
He has gone through sleep disorders and needs 7-9 hours of restorative sleep.
A schedule can be drawn out for a daycare routine, which should include yoga and physical fitness.
Keep a copy of the his holy scripture, or he could download an app for spiritual messages, songs and scripture readings of the religion  he practices.

Preparing the patient's room.

He has to be in quarantine and has to maintain strict isolation for the next two, to three weeks.
Make his room cheerful, put up brightly coloured curtains. Let the kids put up "Get well soon " cards. Since visitors will be restricted , and  kids and the elderly out of bounds. A cheerful room will be a small step in his recovery.

An extra bedroom or a guest room with an attached bathroom would be ideal.

A nice huge window would be wonderful, place his bed by the window and a small bedside table or a cabinet with his medicines, sanitizers, towels, a fresh change of clothes

The bathroom should have his soaps and fresh toiletries. Do not bring home the toiletries he was using in the hospital. Discard everything in the discard units it will be burnt in the incinerator.
Keep his favourite books by his bedside.

The caregiver at home 

One person should be assigned as a Caregiver, he should be wearing a protective overall, a mask and gloves, with a head cover. The caregiver takes charge of the patients medicine, diet and exercise program.

Nutrient-dense diet

Remember the hospital long stay has been a physical and emotional drain. Meal planning is very important and will aid quick healing and recovery process. 
A high protein diet is crucial for quick recovery.
Give him eggs, chicken and milk and cereals , his diet should nutrient  dense.Add fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables. This will ease out any signs of constipation.

Rest and sleep

He should be allowed  7-9 hours of recuperative sleep, yes, that's the time when the body goes through the process of restoring health.

An exercise program 

Exercise elevates the mood, it releases the happy hormone tryptophan, you will notice that even short bouts of exercise done over the day, makes him happier and healthier.
Aim at 20-25 minutes of pilates, stretching, and some yoga asanas.
If you have space outside isolation room you can ask him to take short walks.
Many people procrastinate, but in the long run, workouts and training programs prove beneficial
Exercise also boosts your immune system.

Lung Rehabilitation

Covid mucks up your respiratory system, there may have been clots and your patient may have been on strong high dose steroids, or he may have been on ventilators forcing high volumes of oxygen into the lungs.
Once off the ventilation, the doctor and lung rehabilitation physiotherapists customize breathing exercises which should be taken seriously to avoid fibrosis of the lungs. Lung therapy regains the elasticity of the lungs.

Time for God

God has given a second chance, believe in the power of God and prayers. Worship your creator .Always thank God for the countless blessings he has given you.
A second life has been given ,that's the best blessing of God.
Prayers, listening to spiritual music and reading positive scripture passages will soon take you to your road of recovery

Remain positive, be cheerful and half the battle has been fought.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Biblical Diet(part 2)

Food for healthy and glowing Skin

The Bible gives us a huge list of foods that should be eaten for healthy living. Food gives joy, and most people look forward to its rich flavours and textures.

God gave us food to glorify him, it's very important to please God with a healthy body, soul and mind.

The Bible speaks about clean and unclean foods. (Leviticus 11:4-44)

There are certain foods especially meats which we should refrain from. 

Food is fuel for our body, hence eating the right foods is very important.

God gave us dietary laws in the Old Covenant but they still apply, ignoring these food laws puts our bodies at stake. 


We must eat red meats sparingly. In the Biblical days, red meat was eaten at feasts, banquets and celebrations. It is a well-known fact that too much consumption of red meat raises cholesterol and is not good for cardiac health.

Fish and fowl 

The Bible recommends several servings of fish and fowl for healthy living. Chicken, goose, pigeon, quail, partridge and duck are a rich source of Vitamin B12, B6, it promotes our heart health, it raises our HDL (high-density lipoprotein)
The omega 3 fatty fish oils are very good for our healthy skin too, besides having a host of heart benefitting nutrients.

Olives &Olive oil 

A moderate intake of olive oil in our diet on a day to day basis promotes Our cardiovascular health. But the oil must be virgin or extra virgin oil. Besides these oils coconut oil, sunflower oil is a heart-healthy oil. 

Dairy products 

We often read about God's promised land flowing with milk and honey. References have been made in the old covenant of the health benefits of goat milk. Dairy products should be used sparingly, as it raises the cholesterol levels in the blood.

Cheese is a good source of calcium but is high in fats, so it should not be a regular part of our daily diet. It was often eaten at feasts and celebrations.

Lentils & Wholegrains

Lentils were a good source proteins, they were often stewed or made into soups. 
Whole grains were daily staples with lentils and were often used to bake bread.

Reference has been made to bread as Jesus Christ " I am the bread of life"(John 6;35,48)
Just as Christ is essential for our salvation (Acts 4:12) , whole grains are essential for healthy living. They give us 20-30% of fibre. Soluble and non soluble fibre and are rich source of vitamins especially B12,B6.

Fruits & Vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables along with whole grains constitute the bulk of our biblical diet.
Fruits were consumed as fruit sugars were natural sugars and were good for our health.

Grapes were very popular and the Bible has made many references to fermented grape juice or the"Red Wine" as being beneficial for heart health. 

Grapes were known to fight tooth decay, they also had antioxidants, in facts grapes were used as anti-cancer medicines.

Grapes also promoted intestinal health.
Nutritional sugar in fruits were recommended as they were healthy

Sadly we have given into modern eating habits ofter adopted from the western culture. Junk food, drinks high on caffeine and sugar and processed foods are mostly favoured by our youth.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Biblical Diet (part 1)


Foods with healing properties 

Whatever you eat and drink do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)

There are many references in the"The holy Bible"to the medicinal properties of plant foods and herbs,.they all contribute to the health benefits and longevity of man given by the Almighty Creator.

The importance of diet, preparing and eating food was a spiritual act.

10 foods that we come across several times in the holy scriptures :

  1. Olives and Olive Oil ( Deuteronomy: 6 10,11)

The jews were elite olive merchants during biblical times. Olives were known for their healing properties  :  
  • For cooking
  • For lighting lamps
  • It was a sacred oil for anointing the Kings and priests.
  • It was used as a beauty product
  • It was used to cure skin ailments 

In the modern world, several studies show that olives are still recommended for Heart, brain, skin and joint health. It's also known as anti-cancer and in managing sugar levels in diabetic patient

2  Pomegranates (Deuteronomy 8: 7,8)

Several studies have shown that pomegranates have anti-inflammatory properties, they are rich in oxidants, help fight obesity, and have anti-tumour properties

 3  Fermented grapes(Song of Solomon 1:2)

 Moderate alcohol intake, especially red wine was known to lower the risk of cardiac mortality
Fermented grapes were rich in flavonoids and when the grapes were fermented Resavetrol was released, which helps maintain heart health.

Modern-day Scientists recommend 5 ounces of red wine for the heart.

A little wine will cheer your heart.

4  Flax(proverbs 31:10,13)

Flax is one of the most important plant fibres
It was used to spin linen. It was also known for its medicinal properties in Babylon in about 3000 B.C

It is a natural  vegan source of omega 3 fatty acids ,very good for the heart 

5 Sprouted grains(Ezekial 4:9)

We read in this book that God gave prophet Ezekial some sprouted grains and lentils, a good protein recipe for bread " now known as the "
Ezekial bread"
Research shows that, zinc and iron are easily absorbed when the grains are soaked and sprouted and then baked into bread.

6  Raw goat milk(proverbs 20:27)

Raw goat milk is a very source of  vitamins and minerals, and it contributes to healthy is loaded with Calcium, vitamin K2, Magnesium, phosphorous and fat soluble vitamins.

In the modern world research has shown that goats milk prevents anaemia and decentralisation of bone.

Goats milk helps with digestion and metabolic utilisation of minerals such as iron calcium and phosphorous.

7  Lamb(Exodus 12:11)

Lambs are the most revered animals in Biblical history as they are symbolic of" the Passover lamb" which refers to Christ.

Lamb is a young of a goat /Sheep before the tender age of one year.

It is the healthiest of red meat and promotes  Cardiac health. It is a very rich source of protein, Vitamin B6, B12, Zinc, Phosphorus and Niacin.

8  Bitter herbs 🌿(Exodus 12:8)

Coriander from the popularly known Cilantro and Parsley is a bitter herb
It is a very rich health-promoting and a very powerful anti oxidant.

9  Vegetables(Daniel 1:2)

Daniel and his friends requested a vegetarian diet, King Nebuchadnezzar and his officials were astounded to see four healthy Jewish young men more fit than those who were fed meats or good foods from the King's table.

Vegetables are nutrient-dense and are more effective in healing.

 10  Raw honey(proverbs 25:16)

Raw honey is liquid gold with a host of medicinal properties. It is used 
As an antioxidant
As a beauty product 
It is a fantastic replacement for energy drinks

God had promised the Israelites to take them to a land flowing with milk and honey.

Please refer to the Bible verses for a meaningful experience.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Immunity boosting foods


The world is struggling with the Covid -19 pandemic,  therefore it becomes very important to build our immune system. A regular diet and exercise increase our body's defence system against the disease.

It is human nature to live within our comfort zone- A sedentary lifestyle, eating foods high in trans fats, refined flours and sweet carbonated drinks are detrimental to our health.

Not eating on time, not sleeping on time, all play on the immune system.

The best way we can improve our immune system is by eating natural foods, with adequate fruits and vegetables. Some skinless poultry, eggs, low-fat milk, legumes are good choices.

While we are in the lockdown period, it's good to start with a diet and exercise program.,

We can start with a well-balanced diet, staying hydrated, exercising, getting adequate sleep and keeping stress away.


Is a macronutrient that sustains boosts our immune system. And contains 21 essential amino acids, of which 9 are found in all non vegetarian food.

 The dietary recommendation is approx 1 gm per body weight. ( 1 gm*60kgs=60gms protein per day)

  • Recommendations may vary from person to person.
  • physical activity
  • Age
  • Comorbid conditions

Studies reveal that Indians are deficient in bodybuilding nutrients.

  • It is important to consume a good quality of protein.
  • 20% of the day's protein should be during breakfast, to give you a good start to the day.
  • A good quality first-class protein is one with high digestability and has all the required amino acids.
  • Sources are all animal products like fish, meat, eggs, milk, curds, whey, poultry.
  • Proteins that are partially lacking in one or more essential amino acids, cereals, pulses are incomplete protein.

Calculate your protein intake;

  •  1 whole egg  6 gms protein
  •  50 gms roasted chicken breast 17 gms
  • 1 cup oats 11 gms
  • 50gms cottage cheese 9 gms
  • 200 gms yoghurt 17 Gms
  • 1 cup low-fat milk 9 gms
  • 1 cup broccoli 3 gms
  • 30gms soya chunks 7 gms
  • 15 gms assorted nuts 3 gms
  • 30 gms sprouts 5 gms
  • 1 cup cooked lentils 9gms
  • 1 cup chickpeas 9 gms
  • 1 cup Quinoa 4 gms
  • 50 gms Tofu 8gms
  • Peanut Butter 3 tbsp 25 gms
  • 100 gms river water fish 25 gms


   Spices are a power house of anti oxidants and help in building up our immune system. Flavour your food with spices.


  • Should drink a minimum of 2 litres of water
  • 1,2 cups of tea per day
  • Drink any liquid without sugar


Eat plenty of fruits and salads

Exercise twice a day

Sleep & rest for 8 hours

Steam inhalation 4 times a day.I(it loosens the mucus and helps in expelling it )

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The magic of spices


The history of spices dates back to the prehistoric age. Studies and early documentation have found that hunter-gatherers wrapped meat with onion and garlic in leaves to enhance flavour.

India is one of the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices, since the pre-colonial days when mariners came to India from across the seas to trade...spices being one of the goods sought after.

Spices have been used for generations across the world for their health benefits, it is also used for their medicinal properties.

In Biblical times(17thcentury)

.While researching on spices I found that during this period they were used as  :
  • religious offerings
  • Burial rituals
  • Medicinal properties
  • Trade
  • Seasoning
  • During King Solomon's reign, we read about several culinary spices...
  • Cinnamon and saffron were commonly used.
  • When Queen Sheeba visited King Solomon she gifted him a variety of spices.

Ancient Egypt(1500B.C)

During this period we read that spices were used for medical treatment,  some of the spices commonly used were caraway, coriander, fennel, garlic, mint, onion, peppermint and poppy seeds.
Evidence has been found that the Egyptian construction workers consumed onion and garlic for building up their stamina.
Historians have evidence of garlic cloves being buried with the body of King Tutankhamen.
Egyptians have been known to enhance the flavour of food with cinnamon and cardamom.

Chinese use of spices (2700B.C)

An early publication mentioned the use of more than 100 spices that were used for early medical treatment.
We also read about the spice" Cassia" very similar to cinnamon.
Nutmeg and cloves were brought to China by an opening of trade routes between India and China.
An anecdote suggests that the Chinese courtiers carried cloves and when they came into the Emperor's presence they popped a few in their mouth so that their breath was sweet when addressing the Emperor

Indian Origin of Spices

Spices and herbs have been used for hundreds of years. Black pepper, Cinnamon, turmeric and Cardamon have been used for medical treatment for thousands of years.
Spices are indigenous to India.
Sushruta a Surgeon in ancient times(4th Century B.C)used white mustard and other aromatic spices on bedsheets of patients to ward off malignant spirits.
Cinnamon, ginger and pepper was used as medicines.   
It was a common practice to chew betel leaf to increase the flow of saliva to aid digestion.

Spices used in modern times 


Is indigenous to Mexico and Central America.
It has a sweet woodsy and is lightly spiced.
The dehydrated whole bean pod is also used for flavouring both sweet and savoury foods.


Is a spice that is native to the Mediterranean basin. The stigma of the plant called saffron crocus is dried and used. The saffron threads have a mild floral flavour and its beautiful yellow hue is used as a food colour too.


These are the dried fruit of the flowering vine called Piper nigrum found in South India. This was was the most popularly traded spice.
It has a mild spicy heat and enhances the flavour of eggs, meats, poultry, fish, stocks and savoury dishes.


It is a flowering perineal herb of the mint family, found in Eurasia and the Mediterranean basin 
It has a warm citrusy flavour.
Oregano is used to flavour Mexican and Spanish cuisine, tomato sauce, pasta, pizza, marinades and barbecue sauce.

Nutmeg and mace

Mace is the outer covering of nutmeg. Widely used to flavour baked goods, desserts and is used in garam masala to flavour meats, poultry, seafood and marinades for mughlai cuisine.

Mustard seeds

It's a widely used spice in India, especially the Southern part of the country. South Indian cuisine is incomplete without the tempering of mustard seeds. It enhances the flavour of tomato sauces, pickles.


Ginger powder is the dried root, ground into powder, it is the root of a tropical flowering plant
Zingiber officinale. It has a milder flavour and a slightly sweeter taste than the fresh ginger root.
Ginger powder is used in Asian and Indian cuisine especially in curries, marinades for chicken and fish, in stir-fries and vegetables.
It is a popular ingredient in baked goods, beverages, desserts, Apple sauce, candies, cakes, cookies, fruit tarts, ginger beer and widely used for tea in most Indian homes.

Garlic powder

Garlic powder is made from dehydrated garlic bulbs. It's a bulb of a plant called Allium Sativum which is ground into fine powder. It has a milder and slightly sweeter flavour than fresh garlic.
It's a common seasoning for meats, garlic bread, barbecue sauce, pizza toppings, popcorn, roasted nuts, soups, blended salts and spice mixes.

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are dried flowering fruit of Foeniculum Vulgare. It is a hardy perineal herb
native to the Mediterranean basin. The seeds are aromatic with distinctive sweet liquorice, flavour used in savoury dishes in Asian and Indian cuisine, and Middle Eastern cuisine. It is used to flavour seafood, fish, and is widely used as a pickling spice throughout the Indian subcontinent.


Cuminum cyminum is an annual flowering plant 
In the family Apiaceae, native to the Middle East
and India. The dried seeds have a loamy nutty flavour with a hint of is used as a whole in tempering and is ground into a powder. cumin is used to flavour a variety of cuisine in numerous cultures. It is popular in Mexican, and Indian is used to flavour barbeque sauces, curry powder, garam masala, soups and stews.


Coriander is derived from the plant called Coriandrum Sativum, commonly known as Cilantro, or Chinese Parsley, it is an annual her native to Iran. The fresh leaves are called Cilantro and mostly used as garnishes. The dried seeds are called Coriander. They have a nutty flavour and is mostly used in Asian, Indian and Middle Eastern countries.


Cloves are dried flower buds of an aromatic tree of the Myrtle family. Native to Indonesian Maluka Island. It has a strong pungent flavour used in meats, marinades, soups and stews. Mostly used for flavouring rice dishes in Asian, Indian and Middle Eastern countries.


This is the dried inner bark of a species of Genus Cinnamomum. A tropical evergreen tree in the laurel family, native to Sti is known as the true cinnamon, with a delicate sweet-spicy flavour. Used to flavour baked goods, desserts and savoury cuisine.

Cayenne pepper 

These are the dried ground fruit of Capsicum
And um, it is a perineal plant native to the Caribbean islands, Mexico, Central America and the Northern region of South America Mostly used to marinate meats, seafood and various types of sauces.

Bay leaf

These are dried leaves of an aromatic shrub native to the Mediterranean basin. It has a mildly astringent flavour with a hint of Eucalyptus and lights floral notes. In the dried form the flavours mellow down to a woodsy flavour.


This is a dried resinous gum of the taproot of the species Ferula assa foe tide, it's a perennial plant from the arid regions of Afghanistan, India, and Iran. It's sold in blocks and is widely used in North and South Indian vegetarian cuisine. It aids digestion and is a flavouring condiment used in pickles too.


It comes from the turmeric plant and is widely used in Asian cuisine. It is also known for its medicinal properties. It is an antioxidant. 
It is used in cosmetics and face packs.
It is widely used in Milk as golden milk to boost the immune system.


This is a dried seed of an evergreen tropical plant called Myristica fragrant, native to Mollucas islands. This is widely used inMiddle Eastern cuisine, Asian and Indian cuisine too. It flavours sweet and savoury dishes too.

These are a few of the many(/ 107)spices commonly used in Indian cuisine 


Monday, April 12, 2021

Food as medicine

 There are many reasons why we should pay 

attention to what we should eat. The proccessed 

Low variety foods may be tasty and convenient 

but they are detrimental to ones health. We 

Should be giving our body nutrients to recover 

 from sickness.

Food is nature's medicine

Food has no side effects.On the contrary 

It helps to promote sleep

It manages stress

Diet is the foundation upon which you can build

But you have the remote control in your hands.

High fibre foods 

Vegetables, beans, grains, and fruits protect

against disease, decreases inflammation and

boosts your immune system..

A basic principle of using food as medicine

Eliminating sugar



Food additives

Red meat


leave you more energetic, less anxious

We must eat like the Hunter-Gatherer of pre-

historic times.-a plant based diet with very little

Sugar and processed foods (elimination is the


Use foods rather than Supplements to 

prevent chronic ailments

The lycopene in the tomatoes is a powerhouse of 

antioxidants. It works to keep your cholesterol

levels in control.

Stress interfeares with digestion, eat slowly

( Grandma said chew your food 32 times)

Still stands true. We just bolt our food, just 

stuffing our stomach.

Drugs to control type 2 diabetes, antacids, and 

antidepressants are dangerous,yet we are

gulping them without any thought.

Don't become a food fanatic

The purpose of bringing this blog is a very simple

guideline, to educate my viewers, for their

individual , family and community health with

whole foods

Some recipes

Bone broth

This is excellent for our bone health and is

an source of natural Calcium


Goat trotters/beef bones

Chicken pieces/feet

Pepper corns,bay leaf, black cardamom

Crushed ginger and garlic

Vinegar (mandatory) 3/4 cup

Cooking directions

Wash under running tap

In a large pan add 2_3 litres of water and

add all the ingredients. Cook over a slow flame 

3_4 hours till you find all the gelatin has been

letched out of the bones.

Note . Vinegar helps to draw out the calcium from the bones.

Fruit Smoothie.


Seasonal fruits

Organic honey

low fat milk


Put everything in the blender and pulse till it's 



Rainbow Salad


Seasonal fruits and vegetables

Salad dressing 


Cut and dice fruit and vegetables in a large bowl

Add whatever you want ( your choice)

Cottage cheese, boiled chicken etc

Drizzle salad dressing


These recipes have a diversity of vitamins and Minerals and antioxidants,and are a good source of dietary fibre.


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Meal planning to reduce HbA1ac

         .Meal planning            to lower HbA1c 

                ( 3 months sugar levels)

                  Eat well to feel good

A disease associated with our lifestyle 

Diabetes occurs when our body is unable to regulate the amount of glucose(sugar) in the blood.

Carbohydrates breakdown to cause glucose causing (BGL )blood glucose levels to rise.

The liver stores glucose which is used to avoid
BGL when we are not eating.

Blood glucose is our main source of energy.
The hormone insulin produced by the pancreas helps glucose from food reach every cell in our body to produce energy.

We have to focus on the changes in our lifestyle
adopting a vegetarian diet with at least 5 servings of fruits and salads and a whole grain diet combined with moderate intensity to low impact aerobic exercises to reverse diabetes.

Good food lightens the mood. Food which is provided by nature is the best way to get proper nourishment. Throw junk food out.

Benefits of good food:

  • Weight loss
  • Fat loss
  • Shinier hair
  • Clearer skin
  • Good mental well being
  • Increased energy
  • Proper sleep

Foods that help lower blood sugar

  • Focus on the number of carbohydrates
  • Eat what satisfies you, without stuffing yourself
  • Eat plenty of salads and fruits (5 servings)
  • Eat low carb veggies ,mushrooms, onions,  eggplants, tomatoes.
  • Start your day with a bowl of sprouts
  • Eat yoghurt based dips and salad dressings.

Low-calorie drinks :

  • Cucumber flavoured water
  • lime juice in water, 
  • iced tea
  • Mint tea
  • Watermelon... it's packed with nutrients and is pocket friendly.

Nutrients & fibre 

Whole grains and multigrain give us fibre


  • Our food should contain 5% of fats and oils
  • Olive oil
  • Mustard oil
  • Clarified pure ghee


  • Fatty fish 3 times a week
  • Skinless poultry
  • Eggs are safe and very rich in nutrients and saturated fats and contain good cholesterol which is required for heart health.

Low-fat cheese 

  • Peanut Butter is yet another food that should be a part of the meal
  • Low-fat cheese/ Tofu can replace full fat cottage cheese 

Breakfast ideas  

  • Idli sambar       
  • Oats pancakes
  • Roti sabzi
  • Moong dal chilla
  • Besan chilla
  • Yoghurt and fruit
  • Multigrain ready to eat cereals
  • Eggs boiled or poached
  • Egg and vegetable muffins

Lunch A colourful platter 

  • Chicken
  • Dal /lentils
  • Salads
  • Yoghurt
  • Mixed vegetables
  • Seasonal fruits 
  • One small bowl of steamed rice
  • One chappati
  • Seasonal fruit

Dinner should be the lightest as you close the day with a small meal 

  • Lentil dosa
  • Vegetable rice
  • Steamed / lightly stir-fried chicken and vegetables/ substitute chicken with egg/low-fat cheese.
  • Whole grain daliya with vegetables


Cooking diabetic meals is what you should be careful about. Should be either baked, steamed or shallow fried.

Calorie count per day for men( 2000-3000)

Calorie count per day for women(1600-2400)

This is for approx 50 years of age.

The low end of the range is for a person who is sedentary and the upper end for an active person.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Smart food choices &with healthy cooking tips

Smart food choices :

As more and more people are joining the work culture,  the focus has shifted to smart food choices and a healthier lifestyle.

According to the National Institute of Ageing, there are many benefits of"Eating well"

Our daily food choices make a big difference

Some of them are::

  • Eat a well planned balanced mix of foods.
  • It controls your sugar levels 
  • It maintains your bone loss
  • It reduces the risk of various types of Cancers.
  • It combats Anaemia
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Manages Cholesterol
  • Maintains muscle tone
  • Keeps good heart health
  • It gives us the required energy.

Eating well isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle.

What foods to choose from:

  • Salmon fish
  • Nuts,
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Berries
  • Red wine in Moderation
  • Dark chocolate
  • Unprocessed gently cooked meats
  • Yoghurt
  • Cruciferous vegetables.
  • Low fat cheese/milk
  • Eggs
  • Fruits
  • Green veggies

Smart cooking tips:

  • Everyone loves good food with a blend of taste and healthy ingredients.
  • Keep away from refined foods they may be tasting good with taste enhancers like    Mono  Sodium Glutamate but are low in nutritional value.
  • Make healthy flour at home:
  • 500gms of chana
  • 200 gms of soya beans
  • 100gms flaxseed
  • 50 gms fenugreek seeds
  • Grind them into a fine powder and mix in a bag of 5 kgs of flour.
  • Make ginger and green chilli paste, similarly make ginger garlic and green chilli paste bottle and use.( store in the fridge)
  • After purchasing vegetables, wash and dry them and keep them in airtight containers in the fridge.
  • Try different kinds of cooking oils.
  • Use soya sauce and butter to make a savoury snack.
  • Choose unpolished and unprocessed cereals they are more nutritious and tastier
  • Try baking, steaming instead of deep-frying
  • Invest in an air fryer.
  • Invest in cast iron skillet instead of non-stick pans.

Go organic

   Eating natural foods is always the wiser and safer choice. Our taste buds may be salivating at the sight of street foods, you may want to binge on them, once in a while is alright if you cannot exercise control.
I'd rather stay away and stick to my home-cooked simple yet highly nutritious meals.

The choice is yours


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Cholesterol lowering foods

 What is Cholesterol?

It is a waxy fat-like substance found in the cells of our body, made by the liver.  Our body needs cholesterol for heart health, to make hormones for the synthesis of Vitamin D and proper functioning of the digestive system.

Which foods contain Cholesterol

 Red meats, organ meat, dairy products. Eggs 

How much Cholesterol is required for adults

 A study by Mayo Clinic suggests 200mg/dl is a good level.  There is no proven fact that dietary cholesterol is bad for cardiovascular disease.

However high cholesterol in the  Blood is a high risk for heart patients.

Cholesterol is broken up into:

HDL. High-density Lipoprotein

This is the"good" cholesterol, it helps remove bad cholesterol from the bloodstream. Higher levels of cholesterol are associated with a low risk of heart disease.

LDL low-density Lipoprotein: 

This is bad cholesterol and it sticks to our bloodstream narrowing the blood vessels through which the blood flows. Sometimes a clot forms and it restricts the flow of blood, causing a heart attack.


High levels of triglycerides also cause heart disease, when we eat, our body converts unused calories into triglycerides.
Calories from high carbohydrate foods may lead to high triglycerides. Dietary changes and exercises should be a regular part of your lifestyle changes to lower cholesterol levels.

Foods that raise HDL

  • Dark Chocolate 
  • Blueberries.            
  • Avacado.                   
  • Poultry.                 
  • Dates.                
  • Whole grains.       
  • Oatmeal
  • Salmon
  • High fibre cereals
  • Yoghurt
  • Almonds
  • Flaxseeds
  • Chickpeas
  • Redwine
  • Raspberries
  • Walnuts

Low cholesterol diet plan:

Foods that can be replaced:

  • Red meat, shellfish, sausages skinless chicken 
  • Butter Margarine,  virgin olive oil, seed oils
  • Whole milk Non-fat milk /Soy milk
  • Cured cheese low fat cottage cheese/Tofu
  • Industrial cakes&pastries whole grain baked goods 
  • Chocolate&pastries molasses, honey, fruits.


Vegetables and fruits are a very good source of dietary fibre and we should at least eat 4 servings of fruits and vegetables, throughout the day.

vegetables and fruits do not contain cholesterol.


Myths associated with Eggs:

  • Eggs are a good source of nutrients and saturated fats. 
  • They raise the HDL
  • You can safely eat an egg every day 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Beauty from the Kitchen

Natural ingredients in our kitchen can do magic, whatever is good for our stomach is good for our skin. While we are fixing up a meal we can give ourselves a beauty treatment.

Eggs :

are a rich, source of protein, with essential vitamins and antioxidants, also rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Hair mask:

Ever tried using the whole egg as a hair mask. The white of an egg is an excellent conditioner and the yolk is very good for the hydration of the hair.

How to do it:

Whip up an egg and apply with a brush, leave it for 20minutes and wash it with warm water and shampoo

Face mask:

The white of an egg is a good face mask too
Whip up the egg white and apply it on the face as a tightening mask, let it dry and wash off with warm water.


Beetroot is a powerhouse of nutrients, a rich source of fibre, and folate, potassium and manganese.


  • Prevents wrinkles
  • Good for ageing skin
  • Moisturizes dry skin
  • Promotes hair growth 

Health: Ty

  • Improves liver function 
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Prevents cancer
  • Improves stamina
  • Prevents dementia
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Helps control arthritis
  • Combats dementia
  • Controls diabetes

Banana and it's peels:

Bananas are a rich source of nutrients and antioxidants. One banana gives us our day's requirement of potassium, it is an excellent source of fibre.

Banana skin:

  • Can be used over the face as a pack
  • Rub a small piece of peel on your teeth for whitening.

Banana paste

  • Mash a banana and mix it with honey and apply as a hair mask. It hydrates dry hair.
  • You can also use it on your face and neck if you have dry skin.

Coconut Oil :

  • Contains natural saturated fats, which raises good cholesterol, HDL, it also reduces the LDL or the bad cholesterol.
  • Coconut Oil is now considered very good for heart health.

It also has so many beauty benefits

  • Warm oil massage promotes hair growth

  • Mix it with aloe vera for shiny hair, and is good for damaged hair.

  • Mix it with lavender oil and spray for frizzy hair.
  • Mix it with lemon juice for dandruff
  • Mix with beaten egg and apply on split ends

For teeth:

  • Oil pulling three or four times in a fortnight is very good for oral health.
  • Take a spoonful of oil, swish it around your mouth for 10-15 minutes, and spit.

Beauty hacks while cooking

  • For removing sun tan
  • Rub potato peels on your face and neck 
  • Apply tomato pulp on your face and neck

Lip balm :

  • Lemon juice mixed with honey is a good exfoliator and hydrates dry lips

Raw milk for dry skin

  • Cut open milk packets and rub them over your face and neck, while you are waiting for the milk to boil 
  • Wash with warm water 

Knead flour 

  • Kneading Flour it's good for removing suntan from your hands and it's a great work out for your arms.

It's worth investing in the kitchen beauty hacks.
Synthetic cosmetics can cause allergies.

Kitchen ingredients are slow-acting but are gentle on the skin

plum cake

Ingredients: - 1 cup (225g) all-purpose flour - 1 tsp baking powder - 1/2 tsp baking soda - 1/2 tsp salt - 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon - 1/4 tsp...