Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Biblical Diet (part 1)


Foods with healing properties 

Whatever you eat and drink do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)

There are many references in the"The holy Bible"to the medicinal properties of plant foods and herbs,.they all contribute to the health benefits and longevity of man given by the Almighty Creator.

The importance of diet, preparing and eating food was a spiritual act.

10 foods that we come across several times in the holy scriptures :

  1. Olives and Olive Oil ( Deuteronomy: 6 10,11)

The jews were elite olive merchants during biblical times. Olives were known for their healing properties  :  
  • For cooking
  • For lighting lamps
  • It was a sacred oil for anointing the Kings and priests.
  • It was used as a beauty product
  • It was used to cure skin ailments 

In the modern world, several studies show that olives are still recommended for Heart, brain, skin and joint health. It's also known as anti-cancer and in managing sugar levels in diabetic patient

2  Pomegranates (Deuteronomy 8: 7,8)

Several studies have shown that pomegranates have anti-inflammatory properties, they are rich in oxidants, help fight obesity, and have anti-tumour properties

 3  Fermented grapes(Song of Solomon 1:2)

 Moderate alcohol intake, especially red wine was known to lower the risk of cardiac mortality
Fermented grapes were rich in flavonoids and when the grapes were fermented Resavetrol was released, which helps maintain heart health.

Modern-day Scientists recommend 5 ounces of red wine for the heart.

A little wine will cheer your heart.

4  Flax(proverbs 31:10,13)

Flax is one of the most important plant fibres
It was used to spin linen. It was also known for its medicinal properties in Babylon in about 3000 B.C

It is a natural  vegan source of omega 3 fatty acids ,very good for the heart 

5 Sprouted grains(Ezekial 4:9)

We read in this book that God gave prophet Ezekial some sprouted grains and lentils, a good protein recipe for bread " now known as the "
Ezekial bread"
Research shows that, zinc and iron are easily absorbed when the grains are soaked and sprouted and then baked into bread.

6  Raw goat milk(proverbs 20:27)

Raw goat milk is a very source of  vitamins and minerals, and it contributes to healthy teeth.it is loaded with Calcium, vitamin K2, Magnesium, phosphorous and fat soluble vitamins.

In the modern world research has shown that goats milk prevents anaemia and decentralisation of bone.

Goats milk helps with digestion and metabolic utilisation of minerals such as iron calcium and phosphorous.

7  Lamb(Exodus 12:11)

Lambs are the most revered animals in Biblical history as they are symbolic of" the Passover lamb" which refers to Christ.

Lamb is a young of a goat /Sheep before the tender age of one year.

It is the healthiest of red meat and promotes  Cardiac health. It is a very rich source of protein, Vitamin B6, B12, Zinc, Phosphorus and Niacin.

8  Bitter herbs 🌿(Exodus 12:8)

Coriander from the popularly known Cilantro and Parsley is a bitter herb
It is a very rich health-promoting and a very powerful anti oxidant.

9  Vegetables(Daniel 1:2)

Daniel and his friends requested a vegetarian diet, King Nebuchadnezzar and his officials were astounded to see four healthy Jewish young men more fit than those who were fed meats or good foods from the King's table.

Vegetables are nutrient-dense and are more effective in healing.

 10  Raw honey(proverbs 25:16)

Raw honey is liquid gold with a host of medicinal properties. It is used 
As an antioxidant
As a beauty product 
It is a fantastic replacement for energy drinks

God had promised the Israelites to take them to a land flowing with milk and honey.

Please refer to the Bible verses for a meaningful experience.

1 comment:

plum cake

Ingredients: - 1 cup (225g) all-purpose flour - 1 tsp baking powder - 1/2 tsp baking soda - 1/2 tsp salt - 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon - 1/4 tsp...