Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Post covid recuperation at home.

Post-Covid Recuperation

Hi there
I thought of penning an article on post covid recuperation. You have been told that your patient will be discharged and after a period of observation for forty-eight hours, he can continue treatment at home.

Having been hospitalized for four to five weeks has been very emotionally and physically draining on him. He has gone through so much physical fatigue and weariness. 

Hospitalization was mandatory for managing his oxygen levels. He had to be on oxygen therapy. The incessant coughing leaves him drained out. It wasn't easy seeing people die around him with  corpses laying all around him

It's normal to lose one's mental balance. Anyway, the best portion of the story is that he survived it and is coming back home.

Post covid manifestations

After the patient has been discharged, he is still sick and suffers from extreme fatigue and exhaustion, he still has a hacking cough which can leave the body in writhing pain, his loss of taste and smell hasn't come back and has been through extreme weakness and needs a nutrient dense diet.
He needs love and comfort , the reassurance that his family is by his side
He has gone through sleep disorders and needs 7-9 hours of restorative sleep.
A schedule can be drawn out for a daycare routine, which should include yoga and physical fitness.
Keep a copy of the his holy scripture, or he could download an app for spiritual messages, songs and scripture readings of the religion  he practices.

Preparing the patient's room.

He has to be in quarantine and has to maintain strict isolation for the next two, to three weeks.
Make his room cheerful, put up brightly coloured curtains. Let the kids put up "Get well soon " cards. Since visitors will be restricted , and  kids and the elderly out of bounds. A cheerful room will be a small step in his recovery.

An extra bedroom or a guest room with an attached bathroom would be ideal.

A nice huge window would be wonderful, place his bed by the window and a small bedside table or a cabinet with his medicines, sanitizers, towels, a fresh change of clothes

The bathroom should have his soaps and fresh toiletries. Do not bring home the toiletries he was using in the hospital. Discard everything in the discard units it will be burnt in the incinerator.
Keep his favourite books by his bedside.

The caregiver at home 

One person should be assigned as a Caregiver, he should be wearing a protective overall, a mask and gloves, with a head cover. The caregiver takes charge of the patients medicine, diet and exercise program.

Nutrient-dense diet

Remember the hospital long stay has been a physical and emotional drain. Meal planning is very important and will aid quick healing and recovery process. 
A high protein diet is crucial for quick recovery.
Give him eggs, chicken and milk and cereals , his diet should nutrient  dense.Add fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables. This will ease out any signs of constipation.

Rest and sleep

He should be allowed  7-9 hours of recuperative sleep, yes, that's the time when the body goes through the process of restoring health.

An exercise program 

Exercise elevates the mood, it releases the happy hormone tryptophan, you will notice that even short bouts of exercise done over the day, makes him happier and healthier.
Aim at 20-25 minutes of pilates, stretching, and some yoga asanas.
If you have space outside isolation room you can ask him to take short walks.
Many people procrastinate, but in the long run, workouts and training programs prove beneficial
Exercise also boosts your immune system.

Lung Rehabilitation

Covid mucks up your respiratory system, there may have been clots and your patient may have been on strong high dose steroids, or he may have been on ventilators forcing high volumes of oxygen into the lungs.
Once off the ventilation, the doctor and lung rehabilitation physiotherapists customize breathing exercises which should be taken seriously to avoid fibrosis of the lungs. Lung therapy regains the elasticity of the lungs.

Time for God

God has given a second chance, believe in the power of God and prayers. Worship your creator .Always thank God for the countless blessings he has given you.
A second life has been given ,that's the best blessing of God.
Prayers, listening to spiritual music and reading positive scripture passages will soon take you to your road of recovery

Remain positive, be cheerful and half the battle has been fought.

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