Thursday, August 5, 2021

Setting up an organic garden

              Organic garden.....

          Gardening that matters

Organic gardening may be a natural 

 and sustainable way of growing food . The method protects the soil and is environment-friendly, as well.Organically grown vegetables and fruits are nutritious and delicious. Despite the various health challenges faced by the people  they are turning to organic farming. Growing food on the rooftop or backyard for sustenance is now widely in practice.

Here's a step-by-step guide for beginners on how to start an organic garden.

Planning - People are generally apprehensive about starting an organic garden; they typically worry about weeds, pests, and the yield of their garden; thus growing an organic garden is simply going back to nature. Once you plan the layout of your garden, choose an area that has sunlight for a minimum of 6 hours.

Use the space on your rooftop or backyard to cultivate a permaculture system. This is often a mini jungle of wildflowers and grass and maintains the ecological balance. The bees and birds are regular visitors, they assist in pollination. 

Preparation- Soil pH measures the acidity of the soil. It should be as close to neutral for plants to absorb nutrients. Testing kits are available within the local market. Follow the instructions on the packet to match the proper value. The proper composition of the soil should be ⅓ humus, ⅓ rotted manure, and ⅓ freshly dug garden soil. 

 Collect kitchen scrap, eggshells cropped grass, and twigs in a large drum to make homemade compost. Layering the scrap with organic manure hastens decomposition. The entire process of making nutrient-rich compost takes up to 90 days.

Plants are often cultivated in buckets, containers, wide-mouthed jars, and enormous plastic bottles. Grow bags are durable, and therefore sustenance of these bags is low.

Sowing and planting-  Seeds are sown in a nursery in paper cups, and disposable egg containers these are called"mini-greenhouses". The method of germination starts within two or three days in favorable weather, and young saplings can be transplanted into pots that have been prepared for them. Cover the soil with dry leaves, twigs, and wood chips.  This process is "Mulching" It protects the plants from losing water through evaporation, and prevents soil erosion. Buy organic certified seeds by USDA. Seeds sold by the corporates are patented and hybrid. Many organic seeds come from within the kitchen. Decayed tomatoes can be squashed into the soil they will germinate in two or three days. In the same way, ginger and potato nodes can be planted too; especially if bought from an organic store.

Herb corner_ When planning the layout of the garden, a small corner, is earmarked preferably near the kitchen, for Microgreens like Cilantro, peppers, radish, lettuce, and celery; these are very handy when making fresh salads and garnishes. 

Harvesting- seasonal vegetables like carrots, potatoes, cabbage, peas, tomatoes, Broccoli, Aubergine, onions, and garlic can thrive with minimum care. When the primary batch of vegetables is harvested, alternatively prepare the soil for the subsequent batch. This method is named crop rotation, in this manner soil fertility is preserved and it keeps a check on weeds and diseases.


Caring for your plants-Watering plants requires careful monitoring, Excessive watering can damage the roots. Use natural insecticides like neem oil and soapy water as pesticides. 

A few destructive pests to observe out for are tomato hornworm, Japanese beetles, and aphids.

 The key to organic control is to understand their lifecycle so that treatment can begin early. 

When tiny seedlings grow, they become a source of pride and joy to the gardener. Talk to plants, touch them, whisper to them, establish a bond with them. Studies show that when you talk to plants they grow better. (Dodd.S 2021) You can almost see them smile back at you.


Dodd, S.(2021, January 10)  "They_respond_to vibrations" 

Does talking to plants help them to grow? 

Retrieved from the Guardian website: 

Https:// ions-does-talking-to-plants-actually-help-them-grow

Dodd, S. (2021, January 10). "They respond to vibrations." Does talking to plants help them to grow? The Guardian. Retrieved from ions-does-talking-to-plants-actually-help-them-grow

pH scale:

I have placed this diagram here to make sure you can see it, in case it is not visible in the comment I have made in the pH section of your article.




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